If you’re ready to…

Begin navigating your birth before it even starts.

Build confidence and gain strategies that are proven to work.

Have the birth you’ve been dreaming of.

Enter postpartum with all the tips and care necessary for a positive experience.

….then what are you waiting for?

Let’s get you adored — not ignored.

Prenatal Class: The Cottage - Building Your Birth Haven

Here’s How:

In - Person, Single Day Group Course

  • Planning Your Dream Birth — Time to draw up the plans — I’ll help you “sketch” a picture perfect guide that effectively communicates your birth goals.

  • Supporting The Dream — Let’s source the materials! We’ll gather evidence, learn the language, and find the confidence needed to take charge of your birth and turn your dream into reality.

  • Fulfilling The Dream — Have you checked your toolbox? Medical advise, hoping for the best, and a half eaten chocolate bar are not going to build your safe haven. You need tools that reduce interventions, manage the pain, and overcome obstacles.

  • Your Dream Getaway — We’ll only use the finest furnishings — aka: epsom salts, recovery tips that work, and breastfeeding strategies that reduce nipple trauma. Let’s prepare your “cottage” for a cozy recovery.

  • Each session has time for Q+A.

  • Snacks, Beverages, & Lunch Included.

Cost: $50/person

In-Person Doula Support

Entering the realm of childbirth is like stepping into a universe unfamiliar to many until they're expecting a child. It's a world brimming with complexities, challenges, choices, and a multitude of perspectives. You don’t need to get a degree in birth to have a good experience. There is too much to learn in the time leading up to your delivery, but having a trusted birth expert to provide support is invaluable. Even seasoned birth professionals continually encounter new challenges and knowledge. It's crucial to focus on what's essential and ensure you have the necessary support to navigate this unfamiliar terrain without feeling lost in the vastness of it all.

Go All In — Bundle & Save

This is listed as Option 3, but this is the only option you should be considering.

If you’re ready to skyrocket your chances of getting the absolute best birth outcomes possible, then bundling is the choice for you. It gives you the information you need, the support, consistency, individualized care, and so much more. Sleep easier knowing you’re doing everything in your power to reduce the risks.

Birth client’s attend for just $25 each

Service Add-Ons

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