Hey mama!

I’m Briona, owner and founder of The Nest Co.

My mission is to support growing families in a way that hasn’t been done in Saskatoon.

My vision is to become the leading maternal care provider in Saskatoon by collaborating with other providers and bringing the best maternal care into one place.

I guess you could say my whole life guided me towards becoming a doula…

My teenage nicknames were “Mother Goose” and “Baby Whisperer.”

As a young girl, I fell in love with every baby that crossed my path. I began babysitting very young and loved spending time with children. I’m a pastor’s daughter so my sister and I often would go with my mom to visit the new mothers in our community. I felt so privileged to hold these tiny newborns in the hospital and to hear their birth stories.

I was all ears even when it came to talk of gassy babies and breastfeeding struggles.

I honestly can’t tell you how old I was when I decided I wanted to be an OB/GYN, it’s like it was always just there within me. However, when I entered high school, I did career planning and learned that it would take eight or more years to complete my training. That just didn’t fly with me, I couldn’t wait to be done school because I DID NOT enjoy it.

Next on the career path was becoming an ultrasound tech. I took on a heavy workload of chemistry, biology, physics, and math to ensure I’d have more than enough to get me into school. Unfortunately, right after my grade twelve graduation, the program was completely removed from Saskatchewan and the sound of travelling didn’t seem fun (I’m such a homebody.)

At nineteen I began dating my now husband, Caleb. We definitely can’t say it was love at first sight, but he eventually did sweep me off my feet. We got married at age 21, we were young and in love and new that we were so perfect for each other.

I still had no idea what I wanted to do in life, so I worked a few jobs while he went to school to become an accountant.

We both knew we wanted a big family and decided to start trying for a baby soon after we were married. I always knew I’d have troubles conceiving since I had endometriosis (likely from the age of eleven). My cycle was already quite irregular, but as my cycles began to get farther apart and my tummy started to protrude I was convinced I was pregnant time and time again only to be disappointed by negative pregnancy tests.

I finally got in with an OB/GYN and found out that I had Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). This was the reason for all my new symptoms. They told me I’d never have kids because of my ever growing conditions.

Three years later I delivered my miracle baby.

Although I was induced at ten days overdue I did have a wonderful birth experience. My doula came and supported me in my home where we laboured until my body started pushing. We barely made it to the hospital before I delivered with only a couple pushes.

Nineteen months later, my second daughter was born. This experience was very different from my first. I didn’t even realize all my doula had done for me at my first birth until I didn’t have her at my second birth.

The moment I delivered, they placed my new baby on me and I thought, “The world needs more doulas, I’m going to be a doula.”

Around three months after her birth, I was hit with terrible postpartum disorders and was borderline Psychosis. It took me over a year to fully recover, but the experience solidified the desire to become a doula.

Wife. Mama. Birth Worker.

All my dreams came true!

It took me years to realize that my passion and purpose is to nurture. I thrive when I can care for others and provide support in a way that will truly make a difference.

Evidence based support is the foundation of every service I offer. I don’t believe in old wives tales unless it’s been proven to be of benefit.

As busy mothers, we don’t have time for a wild goose chase. We need to go straight to the source and have methods that work when we need them.

How I can help:

The journey of childbirth goes far beyond medical interventions; the most successful deliveries stem from recognizing early signs of potential issues and empowering the body to naturally navigate each obstacle that may arise. Finding excitement for birth begins with having someone in your corner who can uplift and guide you through it!

The birth of your dreams awaits you!

Our Services